converse : connect : contemplate : celebrate
Welcome to the aki! As a student community we strive to be an anchoring place for all students studying in Zurich. Interested in joining us for an event? Looking for a chat over a cup of coffee? In need of someone to talk to in confidence? Or simply looking for a quiet place to study? Come by or get in touch with us. We love meeting new people from all walks of life.
Upcoming events
At our events we invite speakers to engage with a wide variety of topics, or we meet for hikes, game nights, creative and artful gatherings, concerts, barbecues, or simply to discuss whatever is currently on our minds.
The student counselors at aki are here for you if you are facing problems in your studies or relationships, difficult decisions, feelings of loneliness, or any other concerns or if you simply feel like having a chat.
Welcome to the aki garden!
Welcome to our peaceful garden, perfect for chatting, studying, and eating together. If you feel like having some «deep talk», simply approach one of our student counselors (offices on the second floor of the aki). And if that won’t lift your spirits, maybe a cup of coffee will.
Prayer & Contemplation
We regularly meet on Thursdays (during lecture period) for masses or other moments of prayer or contemplation (e.g. in the style of Taizé). In addition, there is a mass (the so-called Hochschulgottesdienst) at the Liebfrauenkirche every Sunday evening at 7 p.m.. You are most welcome to join. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Magis Small Groups
Journey on the winding roads of student life together with others, sharing with each other the joys and sorrows of this exciting period of life, all the while discerning what your own personal magis (lat. for «more») might be that you feel called to – for today and in life. Want to learn more? Get in touch with us. We love meeting new people.
The aki – An Oasis in the Midst of Busy Student Life.
Meet new people, study together, find an open ear if you find yourself in a difficult situation, reflect on current issues and big questions, deepen your spirituality, get involved and share your passion with others. Our building and park are located right below the ETH-Mensa, next to the Polybahn!