The aki
Meet the Team
Management / core team

Fr. Franz-Xaver Hiestand SJ
Jesuit, director of the aki, student chaplain
T 044 254 54 66
» E-Mail
» About me


Semester programme

Facility management / housekeeping

Merih Zerezgi
Operation maintenance employee / housekeeping staff

Vera Tamfal
Administrative assistant / housekeeping staff

Culinary & Hygiene Crew 74/86
Semester programme

Facility management / housekeeping

Merih Zerezgi
Operation maintenance employee / housekeeping staff

Vera Tamfal
Administrative assistant / housekeeping staff

Culinary & Hygiene Crew 74/86

Management / core team

Fr. Franz-Xaver Hiestand SJ
Jesuit, director of the aki, student chaplain
T 044 254 54 66
» E-Mail
» About me

About aki
The aki is the official Catholic Student Chaplaincy in Zurich. We understand the word “Catholic” in our name to mean that we welcome students from all around the world, of all faiths and beliefs, who are looking for meaningful encounters and exchange with other students, for the opportunity to share their experiences, questions, joys, doubts, and challenges with others in an environment of sympathy and trust.
The abbreviation “aki” stands short for “Akademikerhaus”, which was the name given to the chaplaincy when it was first instituted in 1918. Since its inception this chaplaincy and student community is characterized by the following four points:
At our events we engage in conversations with each other and with a wide variety of experts, local and international, about pressing issues in society, culture, science, faith, as well as about our very own personal questions. We also organize other events such as game nights, concerts, and other artful and creative gatherings to practice the universal language of beauty and joy in its varied forms.
Our student counselors are available for confidential one-to-one conversations should you wish to speak to someone about any challenges you might be facing or questions you might have. We also offer spiritual accompaniment for all those, who seek to deepen their personal spirituality. In addition, the magis small groups can be an enriching way of experiencing meaningful fellowship.
The aki serves as an oasis in the midst of busy student life. It is a place of silence, faith, and prayer to cultivate your own spirituality or relationship with God, alone or together with others. We hold regular masses (Thursdays and Sundays), guided meditations and other forms of devotion and celebration.
We are here to share our passion with others (lat. “com-pati”) and to be with those, who experience any kind of hardship. Employing our talents and resources, we strive to serve all of humankind and to protect the earth, our common home. In doing so, we work together with all people who share the same goals. If you are interested in getting involved, do not hesitate to contact us.