We are here for you.
Student life is a challenging phase of life. No one should have to face these challenges alone. Our student counselors are here for you, should you seek an open ear to talk about problems in your studies, relationship issues, feelings of loneliness, difficult decisions you are facing, or any other concerns. We will accompany and support you as you process your thoughts, contemplate your feelings, and figure out the next steps to take. These conversations are free of charge and confidential; as counselors we are bound by professional secrecy.
Contact us.
Spiritual Accompaniment
We are here for you if you are looking to develop or deepen your own personal spirituality, if you wish for prayer or a word of blessing, or if you have questions regarding religion or faith.
We also offer spiritual guidance, if you wish to perceive and shape your life more intentionally on the basis of your faith, or if you are preparing a decision in the medium or long term. Spiritual guidance means that, depending on your preferences and needs, you meet with your spiritual director every 2-6 weeks for an approximately one-hour conversation in order to discern together what you feel called to do. If you are interested or would like to know more, contact us using the information given above.