
20. - 27. Aug. 2023




Studierende & Interessierte bis 35 Jahre

Eco-Summer Camp 2023

From wild consumption to responsible engagement. The struggle against environmental degradation and the preservation of our planet must first and foremost become a cultural movement in which everyone assumes their own responsibility, as individuals and in cooperation with their peers; knowing, however, that any true and lasting change is only possible through a deep change in one’s own inner attitude.

Thus, we are all called upon to make our personal contribution as well. The time to merely delegate our future to others is over. Only in this way can we bring about changes in the long term that will deeply transform our society from within, so that we can look to the future with confidence – for ourselves and for the generations to come.

What is our position towards the global changes that challenge us today in economy, politics and the environment? How can existing resources be used sustainably? What social and political solutions are we looking for and how do we want to implement them? What changes in daily life are needed?
These are just some of the questions that are of concern to us and that we want to get to the bottom of from the 20th of August to the 27 August 2023.

With our one-week academy, young people, who are our future decision-makers, can exchange ideas with experts and like-minded people at eye level. These fruitful encounters will contribute to advancing the ecological-spiritual transformation within our society.

This year, the holistic aspect of the week will be reaffirmed by increasing hands-on activities, such as sustainable cooking, gardening and more time in nature. Furthermore, this year about 10 people over 35 years old will be allowed to participate in the camp in order to promote the dialogue between the generations and to allow a mutual learning process from each other, which is essential for the common path toward a brighter future.


Anmeldeformular & Programm: Eco Summer Camp – Lassalle-Institut