Taizé trip for young adults
Visit the ecumenical community of the brothers of the Communauté in Burgundy. Let yourself be enchanted by the atmosphere together with the brothers and young people from all over the world.
Through regular prayers and singing together,
through the simple lifestyle and helping out in small groups (distributing food, cleaning, etc.)
Learn to calm down and listen to your heart.
Enjoy a few days of simplicity.
with online information evening on 1 July 24, 18:30 to approx. 19:30.
Costs for
Travel, accommodation in barracks or tents, meals:
200 for those not earning or in training, CHF 250 for those earning
In co-operation with
Registration deadline: Sunday 30 June 2024 via the Jugendseelsorge Zürich
More information on the flyer or from Valerio Ciriello SJ