akiAtelier: Music workshop with Katrin Sauter
Katrin Sauter leads from breathing- and bodywork to vocal improv and circle singing. The focus is on exploring one’s own body as an instrument for collective vocal music.
14:00-16:30: Bodywork and voice impro
16:30-17:00: Coffee break
17:00-18:00: Open Circle Singing
Followed by a simple dinner, weather permitting in the aki garden.
No previous experience necessary. Workshop is divided into two parts, both parts can be attended independently. Circle Singing is free and open to all.
Contribution (incl. dinner): CHF 10 for students and young adults up to 35 years in education, CHF 20 for earning young adults up to 35 years.
More about Katrin Sauter
About circle singing and vocal improvisation